Ben Stanwix is an artist based in Cape Town. His Long Minute, titled ‘What No One Knew Yesterday’ is his response to the restrictions of making a minute long work alongside the restrictions placed generally upon the world during a global pandemic.
“As to the minute, which was an interesting restriction to work with - I'd been thinking about some of the basic restrictions on daily life, the freedom to move, or to gather, and trying to find studio objects that could be made to run around, to stand in for that lack. There are also concerns unrelated to the physical body - how the news cycle makes one so aware of state power, borders and displays of nationalism, but also simpler things, like how my perception of shapes has been transformed into an immediate association with proportions, percentages and graphs," – Ben Stanwix.
Concept & Creation | Ben Stanwix
Musician | Jonathan Sweetman
Curator of The Long Minute | Bronwyn Lace