Christine Alicino and Ursula Brookbank are US-based visual artists interested in collaborative practice. This is the first of two Long Minute pieces from the duo.
In the artists words: “Many moons ago, before Instagram, we were transmitting single images from our distant cities of New York and Seattle without looking at the images of the other. We named our practice (IS) Instereo, a signal from two different channels mixed together. Our collaboration billowed into numerous annual happenings and occurrences of multi layered projections of figures, objects, fragments and flickers. We have always worked independently as well as together with the available environment, sound and material; brown paper, cloth, castoffs, and ourselves. This 52 second fragment is from a set of fourteen sequences exploring our microbial behaviour simultaneously captured during the pandemic. The microbe developed from our troll persona, we have also inhabited boxers, hermits, bricklayers and travelling tinkers.”
Concept & Creation | Christine Alicino & Ursula Brookbank
Curator of The Long Minute | Bronwyn Lace